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Mario Manning Ham in the rookie Angle WeiPo Vess defense from four points under WeiYa calendar hicks Smith a fantastic 30 yards passing, from the lower right corner of the end complete array. Pearl Vess efforts to follow along with the footsteps in the manning ham, but nevertheless slow semitone could see he received of array pass. Pearl Vess a rookie I do think can worth in pre-season see his performance, it may be said may be the substitute bench. But today, industry by storm Smith and manning ham terrorist combination, it is he desire to forget a day. In Tuesday's training, the 49 people of attack group against defensive group reserve team, imagine having consequently. The backup quarterback colin, Ken pearl Nick efferent a 40 yard pass, Michael carat nicky chime in and pearl Vess para, although a rookie guard Angle to sprint defense, but carat nicky butt or by their unique experience extreme sprint then around for the right line place received a pass. Pearl wes and his awesome watchman partner colin Jones combined defend deep remain loophole, more than is Smith and manning ham have long pass, Ken pearl Nick in addition have a 40 yards long convey array is randy moss, is simple for getting. Smith 15 yards passing to Vernon Davis, Davis climbed high, eventually zone be given a pass of array.